Tuesday, February 9, 2010

An Unlikely Poem

An Unlikely Poem

You and your bright green and pink polka-dot rhinoceros are ludicrous.
You scrutinize me and my oversized pet frog as he
around in our lavish backyard pond.

You vilify us with your harsh criticism as you complain—
but I think you are only frog green with jealousy.

Or are you appalled? Is it the slimy-slick stagnant green water?
Because I’ve been meaning to change that.

Or is it the all of the clamor he makes as he
Because I’ve been meaning to build a fence.

Or maybe he is a hindrance to your concentration?
Because it takes a lot to train a rhinoceros.

Regardless of your untenable reasons and obvious duplicity—
I am cognizant of your spying.

However, I feel obliged to commiserate with your rhinoceros—
for a wonderful friendship has been kindled.

Everyone knows that bright green and pink polka-dot rhinoceros’s and oversized pet frogs make the best of friends.

As I have just illustrated, advanced vocabulary can be used in yet another useful and fun way. However, if you are still in the process of expanding your impressive vocabulary, (as I think we all are), then here is a list of definitions and sentences to help you along!

Ludicrous- adjective: Causing laughter because of absurdity; provoking or deserving derision; ridiculous; laughable
Example: The stand-up comedian’s performance was ludicrous. He told ridiculous jokes that caused the crowd to roar with laughter.

Scrutinize-verb: To examine in detail with careful or critical attention.
Example: Susie’s teacher scrutinized her paper for mistakes. Her critical eye is what gave her the reputation as a harsh teacher.
Lavish-adjective: Characterized by or produced with extravagance or profusion.
The princess lived a lavish style. Even her dog’s house was a small gold plated mansion.
Vilify-verb: to revile with abusive or defamatory language; malign
The political candidate vilified his opponent. He claimed that the opponent was guilty of running an unfair campaign.

Appall-verb: to strike with disgust or revulsion
The mother was appalled at the unsanitary condition of her son’s room. He had plates of food from two months ago hidden under his bed.
Stagnant-adjective: Not moving or flowing; motionless.
The pool was filled with stagnant water. Obviously it had not been cleaned or touched for months.

Clamor-noun: A loud outcry; a hubbub
The clamor caused by the circus was loud enough to be heard by the neighboring town.

Hindrance-noun: an obstruction or snag; impediment
The strict curfew that Cindy’s parents gave her acted as a hindrance in her social life.

Untenable-adjective: (of theories, propositions, etc.) incapable of being maintained, defended, or vindicated
The prosecutor’s harsh accusations toward the defendant were untenable due to the overwhelming evidence.

Duplicity-noun: Deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech.
The young teenager’s duplicity was obvious to her parents when she attempted blame her lateness on an escaped elephant who blocked her way home.

Cognizant-adjective: (sometimes followed by `of') having or showing knowledge or understanding or realization or perception
The elderly man was cognizant of his surroundings. He was able to give his grandchildren precise directions to the lake.


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